PraiseFest is coming on September 17th to the beautiful lawns of Midland UMC in Mazomanie, WI. It is the 4th annual (we are just eliminating the year of Covid altogether) music festival the church has put on. Always the third Saturday in September. Six bands, musicians from Wisconsin and nearby states, take the stage throughout the day to entertain, lift-up, and inspire you. Brats and burgers on the grill, treats, drinks and baked goods will feed your hunger. The beautiful country atmosphere adds to the peace and relaxation you will feel.
The festival is put on to raise money for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) which is usually the first in and on the ground when disaster strikes and various local area charities. So by your ticket and food purchase you are helping others to survive disaster and trouble. Tickets for six bands is just $15 and children 15 and under are free. Tickets are available from every church member or the church office (Tuesdays & Thursdays 10-4) at 10235 Cty. Rd. KP, Mazomanie.